TOTs – Training of trainers with health workers conducted by CHAN with the support of ACHAP in Nigeria
In the very beginning of July,2018 CHAN conducted a TOT with health workers on HIV protocols and stigma and discrimination with the following objectives towards eliminating stigma and discrimination in health care settings of the CHAN network by:
- Raising awareness on stigma and discrimination including in the context of rights for people living with HIV and the negative impact of stigma
- Supporting the enforcement of protocols and code of conduct (including the patient charter) that enhances patient rights and obligations at health facilities
- Support the enforcement of protocols and code of conduct that enhance the protection of health workers from occupational exposure to HIV
This will be achieved through developing a checklist for a stigma free facility environment and putting policies in place, having a code of conduct in place to guide HCW at workplace., conducting capacity-building programs for HCW to update their knowledge on HIV/AIDS, developing and action plan on S& D as well as putting on place a monitoring and evaluation program.
The training curriculum was adapted from other member UNAIDS, CHAs or from groups in Nigeria that have worked on stigma and discrimination. A pre and post-test questionnaire was also administered to the trainees.