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Governance Structure

The CHAs 3rd Biennial Conference held in Bagamoyo, Tanzania in January 2007 established the Africa CHA Platform Secretariat through the “Declaration of Commitment”.

The ACHAP Governance structure has the following key organs:

General Assembly

Comprises all ACHAP members, and meets biennially to provide overall policy direction and elect Board members.


Made of members elected by the General Assembly, who represent CHAs from four regions in Africa. The board is responsible for policy formulation, fundraising, approval of workplans and budgets, secretariat staffing, appointment of external auditors, review of programmatic and financial performance, and planning of ACHAP conferences.


Located in Nairobi, Kenya, and responsible for the day-to-day operations of ACHAP, communication, and maintenance of the membership directory.

Our Board

Dr. Djékadoum Ndilta, Central Africa Region Representative

Dr. Djékadoum Ndilta, is a medical doctor and holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health. He is the Executive Director of the Evangelical Association for Health in Chad- Association Evangélique pour la Santé au Tchad (AEST) and manages the Evangelical Hospital of Koyom.
Dr Ndilta has coordinated several health projects in HIV/AIDS, malaria, hygiene, pharmaceutical management in church health facilities, and maternal and child health. He is involved in various field research projects, notably on malaria and geo helminths. He also served as a board member EPN from 2008 to 2014.

He is currently serving as the ACHAP board chair, since August 2022.

Nkatha Njeru, ACHAP Secretariat Coordinator/C.E.O

Nkatha Njeru, MPH is an experienced public health professional who has worked with the faith sector in Kenya and regionally for the past 17 years. She has extensive experience in health systems strengthening where she has worked to support non-profit organisations (especially faith-based sector) in organizational capacity development, Policy formulation, strategic planning, human resources for health, as well as health financing. She is experienced in project design, coordination and management having provided project leadership and oversight for funding from various donor agencies and governments. She is the team leader for the Africa Christian health Associations Platform (ACHAP), an umbrella organization for Christian health Associations (CHAS) with membership in more than 30 African Countries whose mandate is to support health care systems of CHA members.

Mwai Makoka, World Council of Churches Representative

Mwai Makoka, MBBS, is a Programme Executive for Health and Healing at the World Council of Churches in Geneva. He qualified as a Doctor of Medicine in Malawi in 2002, and received further training in public health microbiology and infectious diseases in the U.S. Besides clinical practice, Dr. Makoka has worked in academia and the national HIV programme, and was previously Executive Director of the Christian Health Association of Malawi. Dr. Makoka also serves on the boards of the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) and Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH).

Dr. Samuel Mwenda, Host CHA

Dr. Samuel Mwenda is the General Secretary of the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK). Prior to his time at CHAK, Dr. Mwenda served for six years at the CEO of the 250-bed mission hospital (Maua Methodist Hospital) in rural Kenya. He has also worked as a medical officer for the Kenya Ministry of Health. He is a member of Board of Directors of MEDS, and chairs the Board of the Institute of Family Medicine in Kenya, and has previously served as a board member of IMA World health.

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